10 SEO Trends to Know in 2024

It can feel like the world of SEO never stands still. Search engines are forever updating their algorithms, which means that we have to tweak our sites in order to maintain and improve our rankings. Despite this, some medium to long term trends do appear, and this year has been no exception. By following, understanding, and making use of the latest SEO trends, you can give your site’s visibility a serious boost. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top 10 SEO trends in 2024 as identified by us here at Hitsearch.

SEO Trends for 2024

  1. 1.AI-driven content creation and optimization are becoming essential.
  2. 2.Voice search and mobile-first indexing are gaining prominence.
  3. 3.E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is crucial for ranking.
  4. 4.Core Web Vitals and user experience remain top ranking factors.

1. AI Integration in SEO

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage in 2024. Generative AI stormed onto the scene towards the end of 2022 and it has been making waves ever since. When it comes to SEO, search engines have been using AI to better understand what people are looking for.

This means that more than ever, website content must be relevant, high-quality, and answers the searcher’s questions directly. It is also possible to use AI tools to help with keyword research, content optimization, and competitor analysis. By using AI, you can make your SEO strategies more efficient and targeted.

Case Study: AI Integration in SEO - A Real-World Example

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their online presence. Here's a real-world case study that demonstrates how AI can significantly enhance SEO strategies:

Video : 5 Best AI SEO Tools in 2024

Case Study: Bankrate's AI-Driven Content Strategy

Overview: Bankrate, a well-known financial services company, decided to integrate AI into their SEO strategy to streamline content creation and optimize their site for better search engine rankings.

Operating in the "Your Money, Your Life" (YMYL) niche, where Google's quality standards are particularly stringent, Bankrate needed a way to efficiently produce high-quality content that would still meet Google's demanding guidelines.


  1. AI-Powered Content Generation: Bankrate implemented AI tools to generate content at scale, particularly for informational articles about financial products like credit cards and loans. They started by producing 213 AI-generated articles, with content that was fact-checked and edited by human editors before publication. This combination of AI speed and human oversight allowed them to maintain high content quality while significantly reducing the time and resources needed to create each article.

  2. Search Engine Performance: Initially, this approach paid off. The AI-generated content helped Bankrate rank highly in search engine results, driving significant traffic to their site. This success demonstrated that AI could be used effectively even in highly regulated niches, as long as the content was carefully monitored for accuracy and compliance with Google's guidelines.


  • Increased Efficiency: By automating the initial content creation process, Bankrate was able to produce a large volume of articles quickly, which helped them cover a broad range of keywords and topics.

  • SEO Success: The AI-driven content led to improved search engine rankings for many targeted keywords, resulting in higher organic traffic.

  • Challenges: Despite the initial success, Bankrate faced challenges with maintaining content quality and adhering to Google's strict standards for YMYL topics. This led to a reduction in the number of AI-generated articles as they sought to balance efficiency with quality.

Lessons Learned:

  • Human Oversight is Crucial: While AI can greatly enhance efficiency in content creation, human editors are essential to ensure the content meets the necessary quality standards, especially in sensitive industries.

  • Adaptation is Key: As AI continues to evolve, businesses must be ready to adapt their strategies. For Bankrate, this meant scaling back AI use when they observed potential issues with content quality and search performance.

This case study highlights the potential and pitfalls of integrating AI into an SEO strategy. While AI can offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency and scalability, it is crucial to maintain a balance with human oversight to ensure content quality and compliance with search engine guidelines

People do not like typing; this is particularly true when they are using smartphones with small screens.

This is one of the main reasons why voice to text is being used more and more.

Whether people are writing messages, entering queries into search engines, or using voice-activated devices, such as smart speakers. However, people do not speak in the same way as they type.

They will often use longer phrases and more conversational language. This has a direct impact on SEO. It means that when optimizing content, it is necessary to use more natural language and focused on question-based queries. You should try to answer specific questions in your content clearly and briefly.

An excellent way of doing this is with an FAQ section.

Cas Study: Integrating Voice Search into SEO Strategies

Company Example: Domino’s Pizza

Overview: Domino’s Pizza, a global leader in the pizza delivery industry, recognized the growing importance of voice search as more consumers started using voice-activated devices like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri to place orders and search for local businesses. To stay ahead in the competitive market, Domino’s integrated voice search into their SEO strategy, focusing on improving their visibility in local search results and simplifying the ordering process through voice commands.


  1. Optimizing for Conversational Keywords:

    • Domino’s optimized their website content to align with the conversational nature of voice search queries. Instead of targeting short, typed keywords, they focused on long-tail, question-based phrases that users are likely to say out loud, such as “Where can I order pizza near me?” or “How to order Domino’s pizza with Google Assistant?”. This shift in keyword strategy helped Domino’s rank better for voice search queries, particularly those related to local searches and immediate orders.
  2. Implementing Voice-Activated Ordering:

    • In a move to integrate seamlessly with voice-activated devices, Domino’s developed custom skills and actions for platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. These skills allowed customers to place orders by simply speaking to their devices. For example, a customer could say, “Alexa, open Domino’s and reorder my last pizza,” making the ordering process faster and more convenient. This not only improved the user experience but also increased repeat orders by making it easier for customers to reorder their favorite meals.


  • Increased Visibility: By optimizing for voice search, Domino’s saw a significant improvement in their local search rankings, leading to increased visibility when users searched for nearby pizza delivery options.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: The integration of voice-activated ordering contributed to higher user engagement, as it provided a hands-free, convenient way for customers to place orders, leading to a rise in repeat business.

Lessons Learned

  • Focus on Local SEO: Voice search is often used for local queries, so businesses should ensure their local SEO is strong. This includes optimizing Google My Business listings, ensuring accurate and consistent information across directories, and targeting location-based keywords.

  • Prepare for Conversational Search: The nature of voice search queries is more conversational and question-based. Businesses should adapt their SEO strategies to include natural language and FAQ-style content that matches how people speak.

Domino’s success with voice search integration highlights the importance of adapting to new technologies and user behaviors. As voice search continues to grow, businesses that optimize for this trend can expect improved engagement and customer satisfaction.

Video :Unlock the Power of Voice Search: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your SEO Strategy

3. Mobile-First Indexing

Google has been prioritizing websites’ mobile format over their desktop format for a while. However, the importance of mobile-first indexing is only growing. More and more people are primarily accessing the web from mobile devices so you need to make sure that your site delivers a smooth mobile experience. This means it must display well, load quickly, and be easy to navigate. If not, it will likely impact your search ranking.

Case Study: Mobile-First Indexing in SEO - Real-World Application

Company Example: TechMagnate - A Leading 

Overview: TechMagnate, a well-known digital marketing agency, undertook a comprehensive overhaul of their clients' websites to align with Google's mobile-first indexing, which has become critical for SEO success.

The shift to mobile-first indexing means Google primarily uses the mobile version of a site for indexing and ranking, making it essential for businesses to optimize their mobile sites.


  1. Responsive Design Implementation:

    • Unified Experience Across Devices: TechMagnate focused on implementing responsive web designs that adapt seamlessly across all devices, ensuring that content, images, and layouts are consistent whether viewed on a desktop or a mobile device. This was crucial because any discrepancies between the mobile and desktop versions could negatively impact the site’s ranking under Google’s mobile-first indexing. By ensuring that the mobile version provided the same depth of content and user experience as the desktop version, TechMagnate improved the overall accessibility and performance of their clients' websites.

    • Page Speed Optimization: Recognizing that mobile users expect faster load times, TechMagnate optimized their clients' websites for speed by reducing image sizes, enabling browser caching, and minimizing code. These changes not only improved the user experience but also helped in achieving better rankings, as Google favors faster-loading sites in its mobile-first index.

  2. Structured Data and Metadata Consistency:

    • Structured Data Alignment: To ensure that search engines could properly understand and index their clients' content, TechMagnate ensured that structured data was consistent across both mobile and desktop versions. This strategy involved implementing structured data elements like schema markup, which helped Google accurately categorize and rank the content, enhancing visibility in search results.

    • Consistent Metadata: TechMagnate also focused on maintaining consistency in titles, descriptions, and other metadata across both versions of the site. This not only improved the search engine’s ability to understand the content but also ensured that users had a coherent experience regardless of the device they were using.

Video: What Is Mobile First Indexing? | Confirm That Your Site Is in the Mobile First Index


  • Improved Rankings: After implementing these changes, TechMagnate's clients saw a significant improvement in their search engine rankings, particularly in mobile search results. The unified and responsive design, coupled with optimized load times and consistent metadata, made the websites more attractive to Google’s mobile-first indexing.

  • Enhanced User Experience: By focusing on creating a seamless experience across all devices, TechMagnate ensured that users had a positive interaction with their clients’ websites, leading to higher engagement rates and lower bounce rates.

Lessons Learned:

  • Mobile-First is No Longer Optional: The shift to mobile-first indexing by Google has made it clear that mobile optimization is not just a best practice but a necessity for online success.

  • Consistency is Key: Ensuring that the mobile and desktop versions of a site are consistent in content, speed, and structure is crucial for maintaining rankings and providing a good user experience.

This case study demonstrates the importance of adapting to Google’s mobile-first indexing and the steps businesses can take to ensure their websites are fully optimized for this change.


  • TechMagnate, a digital marketing agency’s case study and best practices for mobile-first indexing.
  • Nostra.ai’s insights on mobile-first indexing strategies and their impact on SEO rankings in 2024.

4. User Experience (UX) Matters

It is important to never forget the website visitor when thinking about SEO. Search engines take into account the user experience when ranking a page. They will look at factors such as page speed, mobile usability, and secure connections.

A good user experience keeps visitors on your site longer, reduces bounce rates, and increases the chances of conversion. Therefore, always aim to provide visitors with an easy and enjoyable experience starting with easy navigation, improved readability, and creating visually appealing layouts.

Case Study: The Role of User Experience (UX) in Enhancing SEO Performance

Company Example: Seer Interactive - A Digital Marketing Agency

Overview: Seer Interactive, a digital marketing agency, undertook a project aimed at improving the SEO performance of a client’s website by focusing on user experience (UX) enhancements. The client's site was a reviews platform with significant authority in its niche, but it struggled with poor user engagement metrics, particularly high bounce rates and low pageviews. Seer’s goal was to align UX improvements with SEO best practices to enhance both user satisfaction and search engine rankings.


  1. Optimizing Site Navigation and URL Structure:

    • The Problem: The original site had a confusing navigation system, and users could only access reviews through a search function, which was difficult to use. This poor navigation led to a high bounce rate and low user engagement, negatively impacting SEO.
    • The Solution: Seer redesigned the site's navigation by implementing intuitive dropdown menus and improving the URL structure to be more keyword-rich and descriptive. They introduced category and subcategory hubs that made it easier for users to find related content and navigate the site. This change not only improved the user experience but also made the site more crawlable by search engines, boosting its SEO performance.
  2. Enhancing User Engagement with Related Content:

    • The Problem: The site lacked features to keep users engaged, such as related content or recommendations, which limited the time users spent on the site (dwell time).
    • The Solution: Seer added sections on each page to feature related reviews and categories, encouraging users to explore more content. This enhancement led to longer session durations and reduced bounce rates, both of which are positive signals to search engines and contribute to better rankings.


  • Improved Search Rankings: After implementing these UX improvements, the website saw significant gains in search engine rankings, particularly for long-tail keywords related to specific reviews.

  • Higher User Engagement: The new navigation and content features increased pageviews by 707% and reduced the bounce rate by 50%, demonstrating the direct impact of good UX on user engagement and SEO.

Lessons Learned:

  • UX and SEO Are Inextricably Linked: This case study highlights that enhancing UX is not just about improving user satisfaction—it also plays a critical role in boosting SEO performance. Well-organized navigation, logical URL structures, and engaging content can significantly improve how search engines and users interact with a site.

  • Continuous Optimization is Key: Seer’s approach involved ongoing testing and tweaking of the site’s UX elements, showing that continuous optimization is essential to maintaining and improving SEO results.

This case study provides a clear example of how targeted UX improvements can lead to substantial SEO benefits, reinforcing the importance of a user-centric approach in digital marketing strategies.


  • Seer Interactive's case study on improving UX for SEO.
  • Insights from UX Media on the importance of UX in SEO strategies.

Video: How User Experience UX Impacts SEO Performance

5. Content Quality Over Quantity

When researching SEO, you will hear the phrase “Content is King” bandied about a lot. This is because it is still very much true. Not only is quality content more helpful to people, but search engines prefer it as well.

It is better to have a limited number of well-researched informative, and engaging content over a large quantity of mediocre articles. Carry out research to understand what your customers are looking for and then tailor your content to meet those needs. Furthermore, it is also often worth refreshing old content when trying to improve your ranking.

Case Study: Prioritizing Content Quality Over Quantity for SEO Success

Company Example: Backlinko - An SEO Resource Hub

Overview: Backlinko, a leading authority in SEO resources, serves as a prime example of how focusing on content quality over quantity can significantly boost search engine rankings and user engagement. Unlike many sites that prioritize pumping out large volumes of content, Backlinko has built its reputation and success on producing fewer, but highly in-depth and valuable, content pieces.


  1. In-Depth Content Creation:

    • Deep-Dive Articles: Backlinko’s strategy revolves around creating comprehensive, data-driven content that addresses user needs thoroughly. Each article is meticulously researched and often includes case studies, expert insights, and actionable steps that readers can apply directly. For instance, rather than publishing frequent short posts, Backlinko publishes extensive guides that cover topics like link building, keyword research, and on-page SEO in detail. This approach ensures that every piece of content offers substantial value, making it more likely to be shared, bookmarked, and linked to by other sites.

    • User-Centric Focus: By focusing on what users truly need and providing them with complete, high-quality answers, Backlinko’s content naturally aligns with Google’s emphasis on user intent and relevance. This alignment boosts the site’s SEO, as Google favors content that thoroughly satisfies search queries, leading to higher rankings and greater visibility.

  2. SEO-Optimized, Yet Engaging Content:

    • Balancing SEO and Readability: While Backlinko’s content is thoroughly optimized for search engines, it is also designed to be highly engaging and reader-friendly. This balance is achieved by using clear, concise language, and structuring content with headings, bullet points, and images that break up the text. This not only helps with SEO by making the content easier for search engines to crawl, but also enhances user experience, leading to longer time on page and lower bounce rates.

    • Strategic Content Updates: Another key element of Backlinko’s strategy is regularly updating older content to keep it relevant and aligned with the latest SEO trends. This continuous improvement process ensures that the site’s content remains authoritative and valuable over time, which further strengthens its SEO performance.


  • Increased Organic Traffic: Backlinko’s focus on quality content has led to substantial growth in organic traffic. The site now ranks for millions of keywords and attracts millions of visitors each month, demonstrating the power of a quality-over-quantity approach in driving SEO success.

  • Enhanced Authority and Trust: By consistently delivering high-quality, actionable content, Backlinko has established itself as a trusted resource in the SEO community, leading to a strong backlink profile and high domain authority.

Lessons Learned:

  • Quality Trumps Quantity: This case study highlights that investing in fewer, but higher-quality pieces of content can yield better SEO results than producing a large volume of mediocre content. It shows that content depth, relevance, and user satisfaction are crucial for SEO success.

  • Continuous Optimization: Regularly updating and refining content is essential to maintain its relevance and effectiveness in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

By focusing on quality over quantity, Backlinko has proven that a strategic, user-centric approach to content creation can drive significant SEO success, making it a model for businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility and engagement.


  • The Alpha Team: Emphasizing Content Quality Over Quantity in SEO Strategies
  • Flaunter: Why High-Quality Content Wins in Digital Marketing

video : Content Quality vs Content Quantity - Where Should You Focus Your Efforts

6. E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These are the key factors that Google looks at when ranking websites. Ideally, your content should be written by experts, or at least well-researched and properly cited.

This will also help you build authority by earning backlinks from reputable sources. Trustworthiness can be improved through transparency. This means having clear, easy to find contact information, positive user reviews, and a good online reputation.

Video: The Power of Google E-E-A-T in SEO: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness

Case Study: Applying E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) for SEO Success

Company Example: Healthline - A Leading Health Information Website

Overview: Healthline, a major health information provider, recognized early on the importance of Google's E-A-T guidelines—Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness—especially in the "Your Money or Your Life" (YMYL) category, where Google places a high emphasis on the credibility of content. To maintain and improve its search engine rankings, Healthline focused on demonstrating strong E-A-T across its website, particularly in the highly competitive health information space.


  1. Demonstrating Expertise through Qualified Authors:

    • Expert-Driven Content: Healthline made it a priority to ensure that all content on its website was written or reviewed by medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare experts. Each article includes detailed author bios, showcasing their medical credentials and expertise. This approach not only builds trust with readers but also signals to Google that the content is created by knowledgeable professionals.
    • Regular Content Audits: To maintain high standards, Healthline conducts regular content audits, updating articles with the latest medical research and guidelines. This ensures that their content remains accurate, current, and authoritative, which is crucial for maintaining their high search rankings.
  2. Building Authoritativeness through Citations and Backlinks:

    • Citing Reputable Sources: Healthline's articles are well-researched and extensively cite authoritative sources, such as peer-reviewed medical journals, government health sites, and academic institutions. This practice enhances the authoritativeness of the content, making it more likely to be favored by Google’s algorithms.
    • Earning High-Quality Backlinks: Over time, Healthline has become a go-to resource for health information, earning backlinks from other reputable sites, including educational institutions, government agencies, and other health-related websites. These backlinks further bolster Healthline's authority in Google's eyes, contributing to higher rankings.


  • Top Rankings for Competitive Keywords: By adhering to E-A-T principles, Healthline consistently ranks at the top of search engine results for highly competitive health-related keywords. This dominance in search results drives millions of organic visits to their site every month.
  • Increased User Trust and Engagement: The focus on providing trustworthy, expert-reviewed content has helped Healthline build a strong reputation among users, leading to higher engagement rates and return visits.

Lessons Learned:

  • E-A-T is Crucial for YMYL Content: For websites dealing with topics that can significantly impact a person’s health, finances, or safety, demonstrating strong E-A-T is essential for maintaining high rankings and user trust.
  • Ongoing Commitment to Quality: Regular updates and continuous improvement of content are necessary to sustain high E-A-T standards and remain competitive in search engine rankings.

Video: Content Strategy for 2024: EEAT and YMYL By Industry

This case study underscores the importance of E-A-T in SEO, especially for websites in niches where credibility and accuracy are paramount. By focusing on these principles, Healthline has not only improved its SEO performance but also established itself as a trusted resource in the health information industry

7. Visual Search Optimization

Tools like Google Lens are becoming more widely used. In other words, people are using visual search more (searching for things by picture). This means your website images need to be properly optimized. They should be high quality and have descriptive file names and alt text.

This is especially important for Ecommerce websites, as people often search for products using images.

Voideo: Visual Search Optimization — Whiteboard Friday

Case Study: Visual Search Optimization for SEO - A Real-World Example

Company Example: Home Depot - Enhancing User Experience and Search Visibility

Overview: Home Depot, a major home improvement retailer, recognized the growing importance of visual search as consumer behavior shifted toward image-based discovery, especially on mobile devices. To capitalize on this trend, Home Depot implemented a visual search optimization strategy designed to enhance both user experience and search engine visibility.


  1. Integration of Visual Search Tools:

    • Visual Search in Mobile App: Home Depot integrated a visual search tool directly into their mobile app, allowing users to take a picture of any item (e.g., a light fixture or faucet) and instantly find similar products available at Home Depot. This feature leveraged machine learning to match images with the retailer's vast product database, providing users with immediate access to product details, pricing, and availability.

    • Optimizing Images for Visual Search: To ensure their products were easily discoverable through visual search engines like Google Lens and Pinterest Lens, Home Depot focused on optimizing their product images. This included using high-resolution images, ensuring clear and concise alt text descriptions, and incorporating relevant keywords in image file names and metadata. They also employed structured data markup to help search engines understand the context of images, further enhancing their visibility in image search results.

  2. Improving SEO Through Image Optimization:

    • High-Quality Image Production: Home Depot invested in producing high-quality images for all their products, recognizing that clear, well-lit images with a focus on the product itself were more likely to be indexed and ranked by visual search algorithms. They avoided using stock photos in favor of unique images that represented their specific inventory.

    • Utilizing Alt Text and Structured Data: Every image on Home Depot's site was carefully tagged with descriptive alt text to improve accessibility and ensure search engines could understand the content of the images. They also implemented structured data (schema markup) to provide additional details about the products depicted, such as dimensions, color options, and material, which helped improve their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).


  • Increased Organic Traffic: Following the implementation of their visual search optimization strategy, Home Depot saw a notable increase in organic traffic, particularly from mobile users utilizing visual search tools. This improvement was attributed to their products being more easily discoverable through image searches and visual search technologies.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: The introduction of the visual search tool in their app led to higher user engagement, as customers found it easier and more intuitive to search for products visually. This increased user satisfaction and reduced the time spent searching for specific items, leading to higher conversion rates.

Lessons Learned:

  • Visual Search is Crucial for Retail: For e-commerce and retail companies, optimizing for visual search is becoming as important as traditional text-based SEO. As consumer behavior increasingly favors image-based searches, businesses that prioritize visual search optimization can gain a competitive advantage.

  • Comprehensive Image Optimization: Beyond just providing high-quality images, ensuring that every image is fully optimized with alt text, structured data, and relevant metadata is essential for maximizing visibility and performance in visual search.

This case study of Home Depot illustrates how focusing on visual search optimization can lead to significant improvements in both SEO performance and user experience, particularly in the retail sector.


  • Visual Search Optimization Strategies by Ranktracker​
    Ranktracker SEO Platform
  • Visual Search: What It Means for Your SEO Strategy by Rio SEO​
    Rio SEO

8. Local SEO and Google My Business

If you are running a local business, such as a repair service, then local SEO is key. You need to complete your Google My Business profile and make sure that it is kept up to date with accurate information, photos, and ideally, customer reviews.

Try to implement local keywords, ensure you have consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) details, and aim for local backlinks. All of these will help you rank higher in local searches.

Video: Google My Business SEO 2024 (7 Tricks to Rank #1 in Google Maps)

Case Study: Local SEO and Google My Business - Real-World Application

Company Example: A Small Café in Chicago

Overview: A small café in Chicago, despite offering excellent coffee and pastries, struggled with visibility in a highly competitive local market. To address this challenge, the café focused on improving its Local SEO, with a particular emphasis on optimizing their Google My Business (GMB) profile.


  1. Google My Business Optimization:

    • Profile Completion: The café ensured their Google My Business profile was fully completed, accurate, and frequently updated. They included all relevant business information such as their address, contact details, operating hours, and a detailed description featuring key local keywords.
    • Engagement through Reviews and Posts: They actively encouraged satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on Google, responding to each one to foster engagement and trust. Additionally, the café regularly posted updates on their GMB profile, sharing images of their pastries, daily specials, and customer testimonials. This fresh content kept their profile active and relevant, which is crucial for maintaining and improving local search rankings.
  2. Local Citations and Consistency:

    • Consistency Across Platforms: The café also worked on ensuring that their business information was consistent across all online platforms, including Yelp, TripAdvisor, and local directories. This consistency is vital for Local SEO as it reinforces the business's credibility and improves its chances of appearing in local search results.


  • Increased Local Visibility: Within six months of implementing these strategies, the café saw a 300% increase in local search visibility. They began appearing in Google's Local 3-Pack, a highly coveted position in local search results that significantly boosts foot traffic.
  • Higher Revenue: The improved visibility and increased customer engagement through GMB led to a 40% increase in revenue, demonstrating the tangible benefits of a well-executed Local SEO strategy.

Lessons Learned:

  • Importance of GMB: This case study highlights how crucial an optimized Google My Business profile is for local businesses. It not only improves local search visibility but also directly impacts customer engagement and sales.
  • Ongoing Management: Regularly updating your GMB profile and actively managing reviews are essential for maintaining high visibility and trust in your local market.

This example shows that with a focused Local SEO strategy, even small businesses can effectively compete in their local markets and achieve significant growth through enhanced online visibility.


  • Case study adapted from examples by BrightLocal and Big Fin SEO, which highlight successful Local SEO strategies for small businesses.

9. The Power of Video Content

Just as much as people don’t like typing, many would prefer not to read. That is why video content has become so popular in recent years. People would rather watch a ‘How to’ video than read a page of instructions. Therefore, people often look first on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

It is very much worthwhile capitalizing on this trend.

Try to produce your own engaging and informative video content. Just as with written content, the videos should be optimized with relevant keywords, descriptions, and tags. It is also worth transcribing your videos as this places more searchable text on your website.

Video: How To Prove The Impact Of Video Content

Case Study: The Power of Video Content for SEO - Real-World Application

Company Example: AMST Digital Agency's Work with a Retail Website

Overview: AMST, a digital marketing agency, demonstrated the significant impact of video content on SEO through their work with a retail client. The client, a retailer looking to boost its online visibility and customer engagement, integrated video content into its SEO strategy under the guidance of AMST. This move not only improved the website's search rankings but also led to increased user engagement and conversions.


  1. Creation and Integration of Video Content:

    • Product and Category Page Videos: AMST produced high-quality, branded video content that was strategically placed on the retailer's product and category pages. These videos provided summaries and visual demonstrations of the products, making the content more engaging and informative for users. The videos were also uploaded to YouTube and embedded on the website, creating additional opportunities for visibility in both search engine results pages (SERPs) and YouTube’s search.

    • SEO Optimization for Videos: To ensure the videos contributed effectively to SEO, AMST focused on optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords. They also used video sitemaps to improve indexing by search engines. This comprehensive optimization helped the videos rank higher in search results, both on Google and YouTube, thereby driving more traffic to the site.

  2. Enhancing User Engagement and Reducing Bounce Rates:

    • Improving User Interaction: The videos significantly improved user interaction by reducing bounce rates—users spent more time on the pages, engaged with the content, and were more likely to explore other parts of the website. The engaging nature of the videos made users more likely to stay on the site, which sent positive signals to search engines about the site's quality and relevance.

    • Leveraging Video for Cross-Platform Marketing: Beyond the website, AMST also utilized these videos in the client’s social media and email marketing campaigns, which amplified their reach and effectiveness. This cross-platform approach helped drive more visitors back to the site, further boosting its SEO performance.


  • Doubled SEO Traffic: Within six months, the integration of video content led to a doubling of clicks and impressions from search results. The videos generated over 33,000 impressions and 400 clicks in video search results alone, showcasing the power of video in enhancing search visibility.

  • Higher Engagement and Conversion Rates: The engaging video content not only kept users on the site longer but also contributed to higher conversion rates, as users were better informed and more confident in their purchasing decisions after watching the videos.

Lessons Learned:

  • Video as a Critical SEO Tool: This case study underscores that video content is not just an engagement tool but a critical element in modern SEO strategies. When optimized properly, videos can drive significant traffic and improve search rankings.

  • Comprehensive Approach Required: Success with video SEO requires a comprehensive approach, including high-quality production, keyword optimization, and strategic placement across multiple platforms.

This example from AMST demonstrates how effectively integrated video content can play a pivotal role in enhancing a site’s SEO performance, leading to better visibility, engagement, and ultimately, higher sales.


  • AMST's case study on the impact of video content on SEO performance.
  • Insights from the Backlinko guide on optimizing video content for SEO.

10. The Importance of Structured Data

You need to make sure that search engines can easily understand your website when they crawl it. This is achieved using structured data, also known as schema markup. By using structured data throughout your site, you can improve your search results with rich snippets, which also benefits those searching for information.

This in turn can bring more traffic to your site and more business. To help you with this, you can use tools such as Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

Video: Structured Data and Rich snippets - A complete (but simplified) guide

Case Study: Utilizing Structured Data for SEO Success

Company Example: Jobrapido - A Leading Job Search Platform

Overview: Jobrapido, one of the largest job search platforms, successfully leveraged structured data to enhance its visibility and performance in search engine results. By implementing structured data, particularly the "Job Posting" schema, Jobrapido was able to increase its organic traffic significantly, resulting in better user engagement and higher conversions.


  1. Implementation of Job Posting Schema:

    • Structured Data for Job Listings: Jobrapido integrated the "Job Posting" schema markup into its job listings. This structured data helped Google understand the content of their job postings better, making these listings eligible for rich results in search engine results pages (SERPs). Rich results included features like job details, salary information, and application deadlines directly within the search results, which made these listings more attractive to users.

    • Enhanced Visibility through Google for Jobs: By adopting the "Job Posting" schema, Jobrapido's listings were prominently featured in Google's "Google for Jobs" search results. This enhanced visibility led to a 270% increase in new user registrations and a 115% growth in organic traffic across multiple countries, including Spain, Nigeria, and South Africa.

  2. Improvement in User Engagement:

    • Increased Click-Through Rates: The structured data not only improved visibility but also increased click-through rates (CTR) as users were able to see more relevant information directly in the search results. The CTR on job postings with structured data was significantly higher compared to those without it.

    • Lower Bounce Rates: With more detailed and accurate information provided in search results, users who clicked through to Jobrapido were more likely to find the jobs they were interested in, leading to a 15% decrease in bounce rates. This meant that users were staying on the site longer, exploring more job listings, and engaging more deeply with the content.


  • Significant Traffic Growth: The implementation of structured data led to a substantial increase in organic traffic, with Jobrapido experiencing a 115% growth in several key markets.
  • Better User Experience: Users benefited from more relevant and detailed search results, leading to improved satisfaction and higher engagement rates on the Jobrapido platform.

Lessons Learned:

  • Structured Data is Key for Visibility: This case study demonstrates that structured data, particularly in competitive sectors like job search, can significantly enhance visibility and performance in search results.
  • Improving User Experience with Structured Data: By providing richer search results, structured data not only improves SEO performance but also enhances the overall user experience, leading to higher engagement and better business outcomes.

This case study of Jobrapido highlights the power of structured data in driving SEO success and improving user engagement. It serves as a practical example for businesses looking to optimize their content for better search visibility and user interaction.


  • Econsultancy: Case Studies on Structured Data for SEO>Econsultancy
  • Growth.pro: SEO Case Studies and Strategies >Growth Pro

Working to Embrace Change

At Hitsearch, we believe that these ten trends are here to stay for the foreseeable future. This means that it is worth investing the effort in them, as they will help to deliver results for a long time to come. Taken as a whole, they may sound overwhelming, but when approached one at a time, each is easy to implement and can have a truly beneficial effect on your ranking.

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